
Empty Hat Tricks

I must have pulled all the words out of my hat last week amidst the weeping and gnashing of teeth that was me rewriting for a deadline. I am a habitual un-finisher, and very few things in my life have been as hard as sitting down to make my rough draft a little less rough. There was Red Bull involved, and dark pre-early-morning hours, and possibly some cursing, and most definitely some* giving up. Thank goodness for a husband who sat up late with me, helping me glue all my shards of self-confidence and perseverance back together. He had to beat me repeatedly over the head with encouragement, but it worked. I mailed the story in, and even though I’m convinced it is the crappiest piece of crap ever crapped since the dawn of crapfulness, I’m glad I did it. Kind of deliriously excited, actually, with a heaping dose of shock.

The problem is that one week later, I still have yet to regroup**. I’ve indulged in naps and Lego Star Wars and a highly sticky Living Room Waffle Picnic Extravaganza. We even got to spend yesterday with some fabulous friends from the States, exploring downtown in the rain and talking over incredible food until late in the night. Nothing but wide open time between now and summer vacation, but I still feel oddly cramped.

So, consider this an official notice to my writing mojo: Coffee break is over; back to work! ::cracks whip::

*By which I mean lots, or even more accurately, LOTS x 107,000,000,00. Lots.

**Or blog. ::hangs head in shame::

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  1. Lego Star Wars! My daughter is TOTALLY addicted!

  2. Congrats on finishing. Keep them coming…

  3. great post! Congrats on the story x

  4. Thanks, and may the force be with you all! ::Jedi grin::

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