
NaNoWriMo – Day 16

I’ve heard of writers who immerse themselves in the act of creating and find themselves springing to life. The mindfulness, the focus, and the giddy joy of prioritizing art infuse their lives with a kind of magic, and they luxuriate in it. I’m finding out that I am not one of those writers.

My usual motivation for writing—the sheer love of it—faded within the first few days of NaNoWriMo, and I’ve been slogging through it since with varying degrees of satisfaction and frustration. I’m still forging ahead because this book dearly wants to be written; it’s been telling me so for years. I’m using my faint competitive streak to my advantage here, using a word count goal to keep me writing when I would otherwise quit after 300 words a day, and the thrill when (if?) I finish is going to be incredible. However, the process is just … not fun.

I’m not sharing this to be a downer or to complain about this opportunity in which I am voluntarily (and gratefully) participating. Rather, I just wanted to preserve an honest glimpse of my month as a novelist while I’m here in the muck of it. And now that I’ve done so… ::cue cracking whip:: …back to work!

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  1. It’s great to be honest! Writing is hard work. That’s why so many of us avoid it for so very long…

    You are MY hero, Bethany! I am so impressed by your tenacity and keep waving my pompoms for you to BE! AGGRESSIVE! BE, BE, AGGRESSIVE! Wait…that’s not quite the right cheer. KEEP! WRITING! KEEP, KEEP WRITING! That’s better.

  2. I agree that your tenacity is impressive :}

  3. GO go go, Bethany, you can do it!!

  4. You are DOING IT! I love the book Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott. Have you read it? It just is the greatest writing book ever. The slogging is absolutely what makes you a “real” writer. The butt in the chair is the hardest part! I can’t wait to read it!

  5. Sam – I can picture you with the pompoms. Thanks. 🙂

    Jo – I don’t know how impressive you would think it if you saw me slumped over in my computer chair staring longingly at bed…

    Liz – Thanks, thanks, thanks!

    Megsie – Not only have I read it, I own it… though the last time I read it, it made me feel heavy and discouraged about writing (kind of how I feel now, come to think of it).

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