

We’ve reached the best moment–the drowsy hum just after a huge Italian lunch but before espressos. The scent of coffee is already twisting through the air in those soft, bohemian swirls artists love to paint, and sunlight settles warm and heavy on our eyelids. Now, a deep breath, a half-hearted effort to stay awake… One more nibble of dark chocolate…

It’s a time machine, this moment, like a Dear Diary peek into the future. It’s a snippet of home video, showing our girls grown up into their own beauty and our little family traditions as familiar as furry slippers. It’s a glimpse into the connectedness we share, hot coffee together after lunch in twenty, thirty, forty years.

Maybe it’s just a drowsy mid-afternoon daydream… but I’ll take it as my fortune. Any day.

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  1. Beautiful. I love those limbo moments that seem, sometimes, somehow, to carry so much possibility in them. Lovely post.

  2. very beautiful and evocative

  3. beautiful… you should read my post for this prompt..close!
    My time capsule

  4. I liked this. Lulled me into that drowsy hum, too.

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