
Happiness Upgrade

Happiness v. 09.2010:

Midnight blue nail polish
Pounding bass lines
The smell of leaf fires in the mornings
Glee (I can’t help it!)
Shiny floors
Running in the park over lunch break
The circus camels hanging out there
Richard Scarry
Crockpot meals that last a week
Short hair
Good old-fashioned e-mail
The return of the comforter
Settling Catan
After-school snacks
Monkey hugs

What’s your latest version?

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  1. Temperatures below 90 degrees
    International House Hunters
    Short hair!
    Open windows
    Root veggies
    The occasional spiced pumpkin latte
    Mumford and Sons
    Baby laughter
    New yellow swing on the tree in the backyard

    Happy Fall! I have been thinking about you and have hung on every word you have written lately. It has been like witnessing someone step out from the shadows and into a healing light. Does that sound too hokey? Yes, maybe.

  2. flip-flops in the fall
    a student acing a test
    connecting with some students (finally!)
    soccer being over next week (whew!)
    my husband who is keeping me together
    my kids who remind me what is important
    my friends who listen and encourage
    the leaves in their vibrant beauty
    going on adult only dates every weekend!
    oh, and YOU!

  3. cool nights & dragonbreath
    fingerless gloves
    getting close to the end of The Hunger Games
    crazy busyness at work
    2 new glass bead bracelets
    Italian vacation planning (are you available? can we meet up??)
    new friends to lunch with
    blog posts from my favorites!

  4. 1. leaves like fire on the ground
    2. crossing things off the to-do list
    3. meeting an artist i admire
    4. deciding really productive things about my book
    5. you. and your posts.
    6. rediscovering a book of rodin sculptures that i love
    7. my 19 month old saying “i yub you”

  5. 1. Driving ‘the back way’ and feeling so restored by what I saw. I don’t know why my soul swoons when I immerse myself in some Mississippi scenery, but it does.

    2. The sweetness of COOL AIR. Finally.

    3. October. I’ve been waiting for this month ALL YEAR!

    4. Good books. They are not to be underestimated.

    5. Seeing my BFF for the first time in MONTHS.

  6. Kelly – I second Mumford & Sons! They’ve been my favorite music find of the year. And mmmmm, spiced pumpkin latte… I wonder if I can make that at home? (And if you sound hokey, it’s in a very good way. Thanks. 🙂 )

    Meg – An adults only date every weekend? Sounds like bliss!!

    Liz – I love your term “dragonbreath”; I’ll have to start using that. (Yes indeed to the Italian meet-up. Did you read my comment reply?)

    Christina – Crossing things off a to-do list is so immensely satisfying, that I often add things I’ve already done just so I can cross them off. Is this a disorder?

    Sam – I think there’s something special about the back way no matter what part of the world you call home. Once the leaves change colors, I’m going to be coming up with all kinds of back ways to drive. 🙂

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